4. Sınıf İngilizce Konuları


Hırçın Karadeniz Kızı Biricik Yeşim

Classroom Rules

  • Asking for permission
    • Can/May I come in/go out?
    • — Yes, you can.
    • — Sure/Of course.
    • — Sorry, not right now.
  • Making simple requests
    • Give me the book, please.
    • — Sure/Of course.
    • — Here you are.
    • — Say that again, please.,
  • Telling someone what to do
    • Be quiet, please.
    • Clean/Look at the board, please.
    • Go back your place, please.
    • Open the window, please.
    • Open/close the door, please.
    • Please come in.
    • The pencil, please.
  • Naming numbers
    • Numbers from 1 to 50. eraser,
    • -s join leave pencil case,
    • -s pencil sharpener,
    • -s ruler,
    • -s stay
    • take
    • turn on/off


  • Identifying countries and nationalities
    • Is s/he from Japan? — Maybe.
    • Is s/he from Germany? — I think so.
    • Where are you from? — I am from Turkey.
    • Where is she from? — S/he is from Pakistan.
    • Are you British? — No, I am not.
    • Is s/he Russian? — Yes, s/he is. — No, s/he isn’t. — I think so.
  • Talking about locations of cities (Making simple inquiries)
    • Where is Samsun? — It’s in the north.
    • Where is Antalya? — It’s in the south.
    • Where is Van? — It’s in the east.
    • Where is İzmir? — It’s in the west.
    • America/American
    • Britain/British
    • Germany/German
    • Iran/Iranian
    • Iraq/Iraqi
    • Japan/Japanese
    • Pakistan/Pakistani
    • Russia/Russian
    • Turkey/Turkish
    • north/south/east/west

Cartoon Characters

  • Expressing ability and inability
    • Can you play the piano?
    • Can s/he jump? —Yes, s/he can./No, s/he can’t.
    • Can you speak English? —Yes, I can.
    • S/he can ride a bike, but I cannot/can’t.
    • S/he can swim.
    • I can read books in English.
    • My hero can/can’t …
    • Your cartoon character can/can’t …
  • Talking about possessions (Making simple inquiries)
    • This is her/his/my/your guitar.
    • These are his/her/my/your books.
    • Is this his/her/my/your …?
    • Are these his/her/my/your …?
    • Whose bike is this?
    • This is my/his/Ahmet’s bike.
    • carry catch climb a tree dive do puzzles drive jump fly play … …
    • the guitar/the piano, etc. ride a horse speak take pictures

Free Time

  • Expressing likes and dislikes
    • I like reading/swimming.
    • I dislike playing chess/ singing.
  • Making simple inquiries
    • Do you like dancing? — Yes, I do.
    • Do you like watching cartoons? — No, I don’t.
  • Asking for clarification
    • Can you say that again, please?
    • Pardon me?
    • Say that again, please.
    • Slowly, please.
    • coloring book, -s drawing flying a kite playing … … with marbles … chess … table tennis …football reading comics riding a bike watching cartoons swimming learning English

My Day

  • Talking about daily routines
    • I wake up in the morning.
    • I have breakfast with my mother and brother on Sundays.
    • I meet my friends at school.
    • I go to the playground in the afternoon.
    • I go shopping with my mom on Saturdays.
    • I do my homework.
    • I go to bed at night.
  • Making simple inquiries
    • What do you do at noon? —I have lunch at school.
    • What do you do in the afternoon? —I watch TV at home.
  • Telling the time and days
    • What time is it?
    • days of the week
    • at noon/night
    • in the morning/afternoon
    • —It’s 7 o’clock/12 o’clock/3 o’clock.
    • do homework get dressed go … … shopping … to the playground … to bed … to school have … … a shower … breakfast/lunch/dinner meet friends wake up wash

Fun with Science

  • Giving and responding to simple instructions
    • Plant it.
    • Water it.
    • Cut the paper.
    • Don’t cut it now!
    • Fold it.
    • Mix black and white, and you get gray.
  • Making simple inquiries
    • What is “science” in Turkish?
    • What is “cover”?
    • What is in the cup?
  • Talking about locations Where is the brush?
    • —It’s in front of the bottle.
    • —Behind the box.
    • —Near that glass.
    • box, -es brush, -es cover, -s cup, -s cut, experiment, -s fold freeze melt mix plant, science scientist, -s shake water


  • Describing what people do and expressing what people like
    • What is your job? —I’m a doctor.
    • I work at a hospital. —I’m a farmer.
    • like animals and I work on a farm.
    • What does s/he do?
    • What does s/he like? —She’s a teacher, and she likes teaching children.
  • Making inquiries
    • Where does s/he work? —at the post office. —at the police station. actor, -s /actress, -es businessman, -men chef, -s dancer, -s doctor, -s farmer, -s fireman, -men nurse, -s pilot, -s policeman, -men policewoman, -women singer, -s teacher, -s vet, -s waiter, -s writer, -s

My Clothes

  • Describing the weather (Expressing basic needs)
    • What’s the weather like? —It’s rainy today.
    • I need my umbrella. —It’s windy.
    • Put on/wear your coat.
    • What’s the weather like in Ankara in winter? —It’s cold and snowy.
    • Put on/wear your gloves.
  • Making simple requests
    • Can I borrow your umbrella?
    • —Here you are.
    • —No. Sorry, it’s broken.
  • Naming the seasons of the year

My Friends

  • Describing people (Making simple inquiries)
    • Does s/he have blonde hair?
    • What does s/he look like?
    • She is tall and slim.
    • He is young and thin.
    • He has dark hair.
    • She is short and has a blue headscarf.
  • Talking about possessions
    • I have brown hair.
    • S/he has brown eyes.
    • He has curly hair and a mustache.
    • My/your hair is short.
    • Her/his legs are very long

Food and Drinks

  • Making offers
    • Do you want a sandwich?
    • Want a sandwich?
    • Would you like a sandwich? —No, thanks. I’m full. —Yes, please.
    • What/How about an apple? —Not now, thanks. —No, thanks, maybe later.
  • Expressing basic needs and feelings (Making simple inquiries)
    • I want some milk, please.
    • Are you hungry? —Yes, I am, and I want some
    • …, please. —No, I’m not hungry. —Yes, I feel hungry.
    • Is s/he thirsty? —Yes, s/he is. / No, s/he isn’