Sımple past tense


Hırçın Karadeniz Kızı Biricik Yeşim
Bu Ayın Lideri
● Simple Past Tense asıl olarak geçmişteki olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. Aşağıda bu zamanın kullanımlarını ayrıntılı biçimde görebilirsiniz.

Auxiliary verbs (Yardımcı fiiller): did/didn't


(+) (-) (?) I played I didn't play Did I play? You played You didn't play Did you play? He played He didn't play Did he play? She played She didn't play Did she play? It played It didn't play Did it play? We played We didn't play Did we play? They played They didn't play Did they play?

DİKKAT! Olumlu cümlelerde herhangi bir yardımcı fiil gelmez ve fiilin ikinci hali kullanılır. Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde did veya
didn't yardımcı fiili kullanılır ve fiil yalın haliyle kalır.


(+) I visited my uncle. (Amcamı ziyaret ettim)
(Bu cümle olumludur ve görüldüğü gibi fiilin ikinci hali kullanılmıştır.)

(-) I didn't visit my uncle yesterday. (Dün amcamı ziyaret etmedim.)
(Bu cümle olumsuzdur ve didn't yardımcı fiili kullanıldığı için fiil yalın haliyle gelmiştir.)

(?) Did I visit my uncle yesterday. (Dün amcamı ziyaret ettim mi?)
(Bu cümle soru cümlesidir ve "did" yardımcı fiili geldiği için fiil yine yalın haliyle kullanılmıştır.)

REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (Düzenli ve düzensiz fiiller)

● İngilizce'de fiiller düzenli ve düzensiz olarak ikiye ayrılır. Düzenli fiilerin ikinci halini kullanmak için fiilin sonuna -ed takısı eklenir.

Example: want >> wanted
clean >> cleaned
wash >> washed

● Düzensiz fiiller adından da anlaşılacağı gibi düzensiz olarak değişirler bu yüzden ezberlenmesi gerekir. Düzensiz fiil tablosunu
görmek için tıklayın.

Example: go >> went
swim >> swam
do >> did
● USE 1 Completed Action in the Past
(Geçmişte tamamlanmış eylemler)

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

(Simple Past Tense geçmişte belirli bir zamanda başlamış ve bitmiş eylemler için kullanılır. Bazen konuşan kişi tam olarak bir zaman belirtmeyebilir, ama mutlaka cümlede bir geçmiş zaman fikri vardır.)


I saw a movie yesterday. (Dün bir film seyrettim.)

I didn't see a movie yesterday. (Dün bir film seyretmedim.)

Last year, I traveled to Italy. (Geçen yıl İtalya'ya seyahat ettim.)

Last year, I didn't travel to Italy. (Geçen yıl İtalya'ya seyahat etmedim.)

She washed her hands. (Ellerini yıkadı)

She didn't wash her hands. (Ellerini yıkamadı)

● USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions (Geçmişte tamamlanmış eylemler serisi)

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past.
(Simple Past Tense'i geçmişte tamamlanmış birkaç eylemi arka arkaya anlatmak için kullanırız.


I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
(İşlerimi bitirdim, sahile yürüdüm ve yüzmek için güzel bir yer buldum.)

He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
(Havaalanından saat 8'de geldi, 9'da otele kaydını yaptırdı ve diğerleriyle 10'da buluştu.)

● USE 3 Single Duration
(Tek süreç)

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a long action often used with expressions like "for two years," "for five minutes," "all day" or "all year."

(Simple Past Tense geçmişte başlamış ve bitmiş bir süreci anlatırken kullanılır. Bu süreç uzundur ve genelde "iki yıldır", "tüm gün" veya "tüm yıl" gibi zaman ifadeleriyle kullanılır.)


I lived in Turkey for two years.
(İki yıl Türkiye'de yaşadım.)

Ahmet studied English for five years.
(Ahmet beş yıl İngilizce çalıştı.)

They sat at the beach all day.
(Tüm gün sahilde oturdular.)

We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
(Yarım saat telefonda konuştuk.)

How long did you wait for them?
We waited for one hour.

(Onları ne kadar beklediniz?
Bir saat bekledik.)

● USE 4 Habit in the Past
( Geçmişteki alışkanlıklar)
The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as "used to". To make it clear that we are talking about a habit we often use expressions such as "always," "often," "usually," "never," "...when I was a child" or "...when I was younger" in the sentence.

(Simple Past Tense aynı zamanda geçmişte vazgeçtiğimiz alışkanlıklar için de kullanılır. "used to" kalıbıyla aynı amaçla kullanılabilir. Bahsettiğimiz eylemin bir alışkanlık olduğunu açıkça belirtmek için cümlelerde "always" (daima), "often" (sık sık), "usually" (genellikle) ve "never" (asla)gibi zaman ifadeleri kullanılır.


I played basketball when I was a child.
(Çocukken basketbol oynardım.)

He played the guitar.
(Gitar çalardı.)

She worked at the hospital after school.
(Okuldan sonra hastanede çalışırdı.)

They never went to school, they always skipped.
(Hiç okula gitmezlerdi, hep kaçarlardı.)

Time expressions zaman belirten ifadelerdir ve İngilizce'de her zaman için farklı ifadeler kullanılır. Özellikle sınavlarda cümlenin hangi tense olduğunu anlamak için time expression'ların bilinmesi çok önemlidir.

yesterday (dün) I went to theatre yesterday. (Dün sinemaya gittim.)

last week/year/Sunday etc. (Geçen hafta/yıl/Pazar vs.) He bought a car last week. (Geçen hafta araba aldı.)

two years/four days/three minutes ago (iki yıl/dört gün/üç dakika önce) I saw her two minutes ago. (İki dakika önce onu gördüm.

Last night (dün gece) I watched a movie last night on TV. (Dün gece televizyonda bir film izledim.)


Hırçın Karadeniz Kızı Biricik Yeşim
Bu Ayın Lideri
The Past Simple Tense

The simple past is a tense used to describe complete actions or events that took place in some time before now. The time can be specified by using some adverbs, for example: yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, and so on. It is important to keep in mind that the formation of this tense is different if you are working with the verb to be or if you are working with the rest of the verbs. Let's begin then with the verb To Be. Although the past form of the verbs is the same for all the personal pronouns, the verb "to be" has two forms:

* I was
* he was
* she was
* it was
* you were
* they were
* we were
* you were

WAS for I, he, she, it and WERE for we, you , they. Look at these examples:

* She was worried about her grades in school.
* Maurice and Martha were in Washington last week.
* Joseph was very tired, but now he is fine.
* Last christmas we were in my grandma's house.
* Yesterday they were very busy.

Remember that the past tense of "to be" follows the same structure we explained before. So, when you want to turn these sentences into questions you have to do the same changes you do for the present tense. Look:

* Was she worried about her grades in school?
* Were Maurice and Martha in Washington last week?
* Was Joseph was very tired?
* Were they in your grandma's house last christmas?
* Were they very busy yesterday?

In the same way, if you want to change an affirmative sentence to negative you just have to add the negative particle not after the verb "to be":

* She was not worried about her grades in school.
* Maurice and Martha were not in Washington last week.
* Joseph was not very tired, but now he is.
* Last christmas we were not in my grandma's house.
* Yesterday they were not very busy.

Remember that the contractions of the verb "to be" and the negative word not are common in spoken language.
The past tense for the other verbs in English is a little more complicated. Some are regular verbs and follow one rule. Others are irregular verbs and their forms are very different from the infinitive.
It requires that you learn the past form of every verb.

Let's begin with the regular verbs:

These verbs form their past by adding the particle -ed at the end of the infinitive. For example:

* want -------> wanted
* copy -------> copied
* sign -------> signed
* fade -------> faded
* watch -------> watched

Now, see the verbs in context:

* My mother and her sister wanted to go shopping yesterday.
* She copied many things and now she does not have money.
* You signed a contract with a very important company. Congratulations!
* The snow flakes faded slowly.
* My family always watched "The Wonder Years".

You already know that to make interrogative sentences we need an auxiliary. In the present we used DO and DOES For the past tense we use DID:

* Did your mother and her sister want to go shopping yesterday?
* Did she copy many things and now she does not have money?
* Did you sign a contract with a very important company? Congratulations!
* Did the snow flakes fade slowly?
* Did your family always watch "The Wonder Years"?

Just apply the structure of the present tense to the past to form negative sentences:

* My mother and her sister did not want to go shopping yesterday.
* She did not copy many things and now she has money.
* You did not sign a contract with a dishonest company. Congratulations!
* The snow flakes did not fade slowly.
* My family did not watch "Pokemon".

Do not forget that when you use an auxiliary the main verb remains unchanged.
It is time now to see what happens to irregular verbs. Basically, they follow the same structure of the regular verbs, but you cannot just add -ed to the infinitive. These verbs have their own form for the past:

* write -------> wrote
* see -------> saw
* bring -------> brought
* take -------> took
* sing -------> sang
* come -------> came